Life is about decisions…. Decisions, decisions, decisions!!!
Tuesday morning I got the news that I was accepted into the London internship program that I really wanted… but the acceptance wasn’t as joyful as I thought it be…. Now I have to make a decision… no more putting it off… I have a week to get back to them with my decision….
So, when exactly do you start letting other people influence your decision… and other people I mean significant others… of course its appropriate to ask for advice from the people you respects and look up to (like parents, siblings, close friends and etc)… but how do significant others fit into the picture… especially if its still early in relationship and you don’t know what may happen in the future… usually I’m the type of person who makes her decision on what’s best for her and her immediate family… I don’t consider too many other factors in most of my major decisions because lets face it, I can be a bit selfish as times, as we all can be, and not to mention that I’m the last born so my family tends to accommodate me for a lot of things (this is a blessing that I am thankful for every day)… anyways, so when making a major decision, first I look at how it’ll affect me family, and once I see that it won’t affect them in a negative way, then the rest of the decision is based on what I want… but for the first time in a very long time, aside from considering my family and my own feelings, I’m considering someone else’s stake in my decision about moving to London for a year… why am I considering his (the Consultant) position in all of this, well… truth is I like the Consultant a lot, things have been really between him and I.. and if things continue to go in the direction that they have been then who know what can happen… and doing a long distance thing is hard… anyway you look at it, it hard… but if you’re willing to put in the work, things could work out wonderfully… this guy is super supportive, and encourages me to make the best decision for me… and because its so early between him and I, neither one of us want to bring up the whole long distance thing yet but its quite obvious… I’d rather talk about it in person anyways than over the phone… so may this weekend or the next… who knows… but for now I’m busy contemplating on m decision… As my girl J told me… if it’s meant to be, then it’ll be…
So I’m sure I never concluded on the whole situation between the accountant and I… but I came to the realization that he has more baggage than I can handle in my life… he still needs time to work through his trust issues and relationship issues… aside from that, the more we talked the more I realized that we were looking for different things in life… so I decided that it would be best for me and him to just be friends and leave it at that… all these decisions were made a few days before I met this new guy that I’m talking to now…
"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life." ~Herbert Otto
All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney
For what I have received, may the Lord make me truly thankful. And more truly for what I have not received. ~Storm Jameson
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise. ~Robert Fritz
if its meant to be, it will be. if your relationship can survive under the strain of distance, then he might be the one. girl, unless he is your husband, or even fiance, i suggest you follow your dreams, cause i bet you he would do the same if the situation arose...
You are doing the right thing by being unselfish and cosidering his feelings. Thats some grown folk ish right there.
@ Anonymous.... i agree with you, if its meant to be then it'll be... i definitely plan on following my dreams... its just that finding the right guy is also apart of my dream... but on a different note, if he is the one and i decided not to go, then i feel like i'd always resent him a little for not taking this great opportunity, so i'm gonna go and pray that things work out with him and I...
@Epsilonicus... yeah, imagine my surprised when i realized that i was thinking like an adult... lol.. but i'm just trying to make sure i consider everything when i make this decision, cause its a major decision to make...
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