Monday, September 25, 2006

You know the issue with having an anonymous blog, is that its anonymous, but that's also the great thing about it... I made the mistake of mentioning to my ex, L, that i had a blog and now he wants to read it.... by all means, i wouldn't have an issue with that except for some of the posts are about him or have mentioned him in then... but then again, i think most of the stuff is stuff that he already knows... except for maybe he doesn't realize how sensitive i am or can be when it come to him in general... oh, i wish i had kept my mouth shut...

as I was talking to one of my co-workers, i realized what today was... is the 25th of September (it was two years ago, on this date that i met my ex, L ...) its weird that i still remember, but i'm a dates/numbers type of person... anyways, that's not really an excuse, but it was just something that popped into my head...

today is one of those days at work where u feel like doing absolutely nothing and hope that the next time you look up it'll be time to go home... i'm going to go and look like i'm busy...


Anonymous said...

sometimes i wish i had just kept mine anonymous ... cause it opens up a whole can of worms you dont even want to have to deal with once you do start lettin people know about it!

NaijaBloke said...

Nice Blog, but this ya name pass me mehn!!!

Discom what!!!

Discombobulated Diva said...

thank ya'll for the support... I'm gonna try to keep it anonymous as possible... but I feel like eventually i'll end up sending him the link...