Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I’m having a party… I’m having a party for my birthday in two weeks… it’s at a club, its gonna be hot and a lot of fun… I’m excited!!!

Nothing new to report… life’s been uneventful, but enjoyable…

But I there is one thing I don’t understand… So I was talking/texting to this guy for a while and I mentioned a party that was going on that evening and asked if he would be there… his response: probably not… so I went to my party, and who is the first person I see the minute I walk into the place… same dude that told me he probably wasn’t coming, then he says to me that I got him to come out here… I surely don’t have that much influence on anyone or I doubt that anyone wants to see me that badly… anyways, so you came cause I mentioned I would be here… cool… every time I walk by you, you have a cute comment to say or manage to touch me… also cool… but then you spent half the night not talking to me… and you didn’t even dance with me… and when it was time to go, you say it was my fault cause you couldn’t find me… yeah, I just disappeared right, or I was hiding from you…. Yeah, sure ok… then he says, we’ll just have to make it up at the party…

I’m completely lost… either you like me or you don’t… no need for all this extra B.S. I mean, I’ve given him enough to know that I am interested, but with him its just hard to tell… and well, I’m not gonna be the one to wait around to find out how he’s feeling… I just don’t understand why he can’t be straight with me!!! Anyways, that was Friday nite… the rest of the weekend was good… chilled out and relaxed….

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