Saturday, December 30, 2006

I got NY on the mind...

Hmmmm…. So me and New Yorker have been chillin hard…. Well, I waited for his call the other day and it never came… I called him later, but he never picked up and then I texted him and nothing… hmmm, boy was I curious as to why he wasn’t talking to me… he couldn’t have given up on us so quickly, I mean it was only a small argument… but then I was woken up on Thursday morning by a call from him… he didn’t sound so good… he was like he has a migraine and spent the entire day in bed sleeping ( he doesn’t like taking pills) trying to get rid of his migraine and then he say how could I think he was giving up on us and me… anyways, we talked for a few more minutes, but he didn’t sound good, so I told him to go back to bed and we’d talk later… later was an hour later when he called me back…. We stayed on the phone for about 5 and a half hours… literally… talking about a whole bunch of random things…. We only got off the phone cause I had to go running… then we spend most of the evening on the phone…. The more I talk to him, the more I like him… and did I mention he sends the sweetest texts to me (when we’re not on the phone) just to let me know he’s thinking about me… its cutest when he does it while he’s out with his boys and suppose to be having fun…

We’ve been talking a lot lately… mainly cause I took the week off work and he often works from home, so we spend most of the day and evening on the phone… which will change next week when I go back to work… anyways, been talking to him about relationships and so on… and well his philosophies are a bit unorthodox, but actually things I can work with… so here’s the deal… New Yorker wants us to have an open relationship… which I can work with for the fact that, well… No, I’m not settling, but right now this situation would work for me cause…. we don’t live in the same state, I’m not necessarily ready to be in a serious serious relationship, and lastly I can still continue to meet new people without hurting him… but then I know I am the jealous type, or I can be at times… and I can tell that with him I’m gonna be jealous… I’m already not feeling his relationship with some of his female friends, but it’s not my place to really say anything about that… Sometimes he give me a little too much information about his past relationships, but I guess I’d rather know, then not know…

So last night I went out for a little bit with my sister and sister-in-law…. Went to this lounge place downtown and it was a lot of fun… ran into my friend/ex, SO… me and SO were talking, we usually have these deep conversations at the most random times, but he’s definitely one of my good friends… anyways, he was asking where my man was (he was trying to find out what was going on with me relationship wise)… and I replied, I don’t have a boyfriend, but I’m dating… as he continued to probe, I briefly mentioned New Yorker (briefly because one we were in a loud public place and two I don’t like giving too much details about my relationships to me exs, even if we are friends). And SO’s first question was like, is he Nigerian… and I replied no and tried to move on to another topic, then SO said is he at least African… another no… and then he was like are you serious and that I needed to get serious… I didn’t know what to say… he just said that we would talk later and he could find out what type of guy I was looking for and that he has some prospects for me and that he’ll introduce me to them (yes I know how awkward it may seem that my ex is trying to hook me up with a guy, but we are good friends)… but in my mind, I thought he was right, but what am I suppose to do, I already like New Yorker and I’m not willing or ready to let him go… but then again me and him are just dating and are trying to have an open relationship….


Anonymous said...

dd girl ... i know the being with a nigerian thing is serious to you ... but just go with it for now ... you arent tied down to NY ... but he makes you feel good ... and well dont let that go cause you and i both know its hard to find its not a permanent thing right now ... and who knows what the future has to bring!

Vera Ezimora said...

Hmmmmmm. I have never been in an open relationship, and I am not open to one either.

What if he falls in love with some other chic while you're still fallin 4 him? What happens then? Mmmmmm. I dunno, diva, but I'm scared.

Either way sha, it's ur decision 2 make. And yes indeed, it's a bit weird 4 ur ex 2 be hookin u up. LOL, it's funny even. But it's nice that y'll are kool like that.

Happy New Year!