Wednesday, April 30, 2008

MIA.... again

Been MIA for a little bit… well, alots been going on… was dealing with some family stuff to deal with, went back home to the states to visit my fam and then been trying to settle in to this new job and classes and coursework has been crazy lately… sometimes I don’t know how I do it… been meeting some new people lately, and been truly starting to enjoy London… and trust me I have to complaints!!!

Going home was great, its always great to see my family regardless of the circumstances of why I have to be there… anyway, the gist of things is that my dad needed to have an operation, and it was a major operation and I wanted and needed to be there… it was hard seeing my dad in the hospital, especially right after the surgery, but within a few days of the operation, he was up and about and getting back to normal, and to say that I am beyond grateful that everything was a success is an understatement. He was still in the hospital when I left, but they discharged him from the hospital the after I left, and he’s doing quite well. As for the rest of my family, it was great seeing them… my nephews and niece are so grown, they grow up so fast… I look forward to being around in the states next year so I can be around them more… my siblings are great, and of course when I arrived in the states, it was as if I’d never left, with them ordering me around and sending me on errands… I guess some things don’t change and I’m not sure I want them to… everyone knows their place in my family!

Back to London life, and my list of clubs to visit… this last weekend, one of my friends and I went to this club called Aura… the club was ok, the music was cool, but some of the people in the club were quite entertaining… this one white girl in a black mini skirt felt it was necessary to do a split on the dance floor and then bounce up and down while in the split, so unladylike and uncute, I had to no words for that… then there were these two black girls who apparently thought they were putting on a show and we over the top… but I guess you can’t blame them… although the club was ok, I won’t be heading back there … the door man was being blatantly racist and was trying to make my friend and I pay although we were on the guest list, while he didn’t enforce that same rule to the groups of white or mixed girls… I mean I know racism still exists, but it still shocks me when I experience it in such a blatant manner. I clearly told the doorman what I thought of his little rule and how it was obvious what he was doing and that I didn’t need to get into this club cause there are tons of other clubs in Mayfair that I would have a good time at… after a few minutes he changed his so called rule and let us in free, I was already irritated at that point which put a damper on the evening…

Why in the hell did I decide that I need another degree, I’m so tired of school and the master’s program that I am in... one day I’ll go thru all the issues that exist with the program that I am, but I’ll wait til after I get my degree, cause I’m trying to jinx myself… anyways, just been busy working on an assignment that’s due in a few days… I had about 2 months to do it, but of course I waited til the last moment, but what else is new…

Work is work… but at least I like my new job…so far!!!



Hey, with regard to school, please hang in there. E go betta...

Vera Ezimora said...

Thank God your dad is okay