Friday, November 09, 2007

So what...

So what…. So what if I haven’t seen Scarface or The Godfather I, II, or III… so freaking what… what’s the big deal… I appreciate that they are classic movies and they are great movies and so on and so on… but so what I haven’t seen them… well the fact that I hadn’t seen any of the aforementioned movies drove TA absolutely crazy, I mean to the point of being upset… Y??? I’m not quite sure, but he really took it personal… I mean if you told me you’ve never seen Clueless (one of my all time favourite movies and a classic from the teenage years), I wouldn’t blow a gasket over it… but no, not my TA, he decided to take it personal… really… then I said, well this would be a good opportunity for us to watch it together… and his response… NEVER… I’m not on his level he says, he can’t be explaining the movie to me… blah blah blah… so NO, that was his answer, He's not gonna watch them with me!?!? He was like u need to go rent those movies and watch them… and I looked at him like he was crazy… Y??? anyways, he really felt the necessity to understand why I hadn’t watched Scarface or the Godfather… and I didn’t really have a real reason, except that I never had the opportunity to watch it and when I go to rent movies, those are not movies that are at the top of my ‘must see’ list (please, they barely make the ‘maybe if I’m bored, I’d watch that movie’ list)… so after criticizing me about the fact that i'd never seen those movies, and so on, I started to get annoyed… Geez, I got the freaking picture… why are you being so mean about something so silly… then he tried to pull me over when we were watching Titanic (which I’ve seen b4 by the way) but I was too annoyed with him to cuddle… who wants to cuddle with someone who’s just spent the last 30 minutes going on and on about your choices of movies (There’s nothing wrong with Harry Potter)… but I guess he didn’t think I’d take it so personal, and to be honest, neither did I, but it just kinda hurt my feelings… and I guess he realized it so he apologized and then offered to watch the movies with me… talk about a silly reason to have a disagreement about… but he made it all better… we did manage to watch Casino and the Usual Suspects… two classics (that I’ve never seen b4)… they were really good movies actually… and while they’re not my typical choice of movies, I enjoyed them and I enjoyed them more watching them with TA… and we got thru after of Titanic before I decided to go to bed…. And I expected TA to finish watching the movie, but being the sweetheart that he is; he stopped the movie and came to bed as well…

I must admit, after we made up, and we were watching the movies and just chilling in at his place, I could almost see myself doing this thing for the long run... I mean, it’s rare for me to admit that type of thing, but it’s possible… but lets not get ahead of ourselves!

On another note… two of my friends are here from the states to visit… we’re heading off to Paris in the morning for the weekend… then returning on Monday morning… they’re gonna be around til the end of the next… I am so excited to have them around… its nice to have some familiar faces from back home… and I’m even more excited about possibility going back home in 2 weeks for thanksgiving (where I plan to stuff my face with food, before I start a proper diet on my return to London)… EXCITED :-)!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice Anon: lol. I havent seen them either. So now i guess am not the only one who hasnt seen the Godfather!

Anonymous said...

I have not seen all of Godfather either.

Enjoy the trip to Paris!! Take pictures!!