Monday, July 17, 2006

Quarter Life Crisis

So, here i am at the tender age of 23 (almost 24) and i think i'm having a quater life crisis... i told my friends and they laughed... obviously they think i'm joking :-/....

So i thought about starting my blog about 3 weeks ago, ever since i started reading CB's blog ( she inspired me... but i just never got around to doing it...

so, anyways... on to my quarter life crisis ( i even saw it on the news)... I'm almost 24 without a serious boyfriend, needless to say i'm behind on my life plan to be a wife and mother by 26/27... you know, i was suppose to meet my husband in college or at least right after i graduated from undergrad... but silly me, I got focused on getting another degree and starting my career... I mean, life ain't that bad... i got a good job, i have 2 degrees under my belt... but still no significan other that i would seriously consider dating... which may very well be my own fault... so let me explain my rules (YES, I HAVE RULES...)
1. I usually give a guy 2 weeks to determine if its with pursuing any furthur (i mean, i waste my time or his time.... i'm not getting any younger!!!)
2. I can't do a clingy person... i'm a grown woman... gimme some space to breathe... don't call me a million times a day, trust me, it doesn't work well for me!
3. Can you talk about something other than sex... i mean, you need to be able to hold an intelligent and interesting converstation... stimulate me mentally (yeah, that sound corny, but whatever)...

There are many more rules or ideas that i have about a mate... but u'll learn about them as time goes on...

Anyways, back to my crisis... I'm not motivated at all theses days... not motivated to do much at all, but just to chill and go out drinking (drinking... now, that's a story for another day)... i can't even get the motivation to clean my living area... Today when i woke up, i told myself whether I am motivated or not that i was gonna do the things i needed to do... So i got up and went exercising this morning... that a step in the right direction, but how motivated can i really be if i'm at work typing this post instead of working... but its ok (i'm just taking a break really quick.... back to work soon)...

what does a quarter life crisis consist of... well i'm not really sure, but I have to get over whatever it is that's gotten into me... hmmm....

1 comment:

DivineLavender said...

I have found that sometimes we set up deadlines based on our perceptions of what "life" should look like. Live, learn, love, lose, laugh, and you will grow to see that live isn't a nice, neat sitcom predictable series of events. Relax a bit, understand that 50 is the new 30. I am in my late twenties and look back and realize that I would have been a horrible, immature, and probably cheating wife and selfish mother even five years ago.

You got time and it seems like you have still plenty of questions to ask yourself...plenty of times to rephrase your questions and seek the answers. I noticed once I got the answers I even began to deconstrut those answers or my accepted "truths".

Hang in there sistah!